Hello there! I'm Anita Mackenzie. I'm a home stylist and designer working with clients in Singapore and UK.
Picture this for a minute: You come across some effortlessly beautiful interior pics on social media. You stop and wonder what are the chances you will ever find the time or the money to have a home like that. Actually... hang on... even if you had both, only in la la land would a beautiful home survive young kids. You sigh and look around you and make your peace with your home the way it is even though many things niggle and gnaw at you every day!
Sound familiar? Well here's what I think!
I think your home should be the one place on earth that makes you feel the happiest. A space made up of memorable things that tell your story and beautiful things that uplift you. Equally your home needs to be purposed just right for your family's needs. I believe that finding this sweet spot between aesthetics and functionality is possible for everybody. Time-starved, limited budgets, energetic kids - no matter what you believe your constraints are - I can help you to create a home that makes you feel happy every day.
Click here to find out more about how I work
Already familiar with my work and ready to discuss your plans for your home? Drop me a line on [email protected] and lets chat.
Want to find out more about the homes and lives I have helped transform - follow me on instagram.
Picture this for a minute: You come across some effortlessly beautiful interior pics on social media. You stop and wonder what are the chances you will ever find the time or the money to have a home like that. Actually... hang on... even if you had both, only in la la land would a beautiful home survive young kids. You sigh and look around you and make your peace with your home the way it is even though many things niggle and gnaw at you every day!
Sound familiar? Well here's what I think!
I think your home should be the one place on earth that makes you feel the happiest. A space made up of memorable things that tell your story and beautiful things that uplift you. Equally your home needs to be purposed just right for your family's needs. I believe that finding this sweet spot between aesthetics and functionality is possible for everybody. Time-starved, limited budgets, energetic kids - no matter what you believe your constraints are - I can help you to create a home that makes you feel happy every day.
Click here to find out more about how I work
Already familiar with my work and ready to discuss your plans for your home? Drop me a line on [email protected] and lets chat.
Want to find out more about the homes and lives I have helped transform - follow me on instagram.
© 2024 Plum Chutney